
Faculty & Research

  • Guan Yuyan; Li Congcong; Hai Lu; Wong M. H. Franco, "Regulations and brain drain: evidence from wall street star analysts' career choices",Management Science
  • Zhiming Ma; Stice Derrald; Rencheng Wang, "Auditor choice and information asymmetry: evidence from international syndicated loans",Accounting and Business Research
  • Hsieh Chia-Chun; Zhiming Ma; Novoselov Kirill E., "Accounting conservatism, business strategy, and ambiguity",Accounting Organizations and Society
  • Zhiming Ma; Stice Derrald; Williams Christopher, "The effect of bank monitoring on public bond terms",Journal of Financial Economics
  • Lee Charles M. C.; Sun Stephen Teng; Wang Rongfei; Ran Zhang, "Technological links and predictable returns",Journal of Financial Economics
  • Yuyu Chen; Yang David Y., "The impact of media censorship: 1984 or brave new world?",American Economic Review
  • Yu Gao; d'Adda Giovanna; Tavoni Massimo, "Adopting leds changes attitudes towards climate change: experimental evidence from china",Environmental Research Letters
  • Xiao-Li Meng; Liutang Gong; Jen-Chih Yao, "A fuzzy inequality evaluation approach for measuring the relative efficiency",Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
  • Xiao Jie; Liutang Gong; QingHua Zhang, "Promotion incentive: corruption and its implications on local fiscal cycles in china",2019 4Th International Conference On Education Science and Development
  • Chen Xingyu; Xing Li; Yao Dai; Zhou Zhimin, "Seeking the support of the silent majority: are lurking users valuable to ugc platforms?",Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science
  • Xing Li; Liu Chong; Weng Xi; Li-an Zhou, "Target setting in tournaments: theory and evidence from china",Economic Journal
  • James Liang; Wang Xiaoquan; Zhang Hong, "Promotions in the internal labor market: new evidence from china",China Economic Review
  • Wanchuan Lin.;Meng J.;Weng X., "Formal insurance and informal risk sharing dynamic",Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization·
  • Gao Ming; Juanjuan Meng; Longkai Zhao, "Income and social communication: the demographics of stock market participation",World Economy
  • Dong Mei; Sylvia Xiaolin Xiao, "Liquidity, monetary policy, and unemployment: a new monetarist approach",International Economic Review
  • Chan J.;Fang X.;Wang Z.;Zai X.;QingHua Zhang, "Valuing primary schools in urban china",Journal of Urban Economics
  • Chen Y.;Jiang S.;Li-an Zhou, "Estimating returns to education in urban china: evidence from a natural experiment in schooling reform",Journal of Comparative Economics
  • Huang Q.;Liu C.;Liu C.;Li-an Zhou, "Farewell to the god of plague: estimating the effects of china's universal salt iodization on educational outcomes",Journal of Comparative Economics
  • Fang Hanming; Gu Quanlin; Li-an Zhou, "The gradients of power: evidence from the chinese housing market",Journal of Public Economics
  • Li-an Zhou, "Understanding china: a dialogue with philip huang",Modern China
  • SongXi Chen; Li Jun; Zhong Ping-Shou, "Two-sample and anova tests for high dimensional means",Annals of Statistics
  • Mao Xiaojun; SongXi Chen; Wong Raymond K. W., "Matrix completion with covariate information",Journal of The American Statistical Association
  • Chenxu Li; Wu Linjia, "Exact simulation of the ornstein-uhlenbeck driven stochastic volatility model",European Journal of Operational Research·
  • Chenxu Li; Ye Yongxin, "Pricing and exercising american options: an asymptotic expansion approach",Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
  • Geng Zhi; Liu Yue; Liu Chunchen; Wang Miao, "Evaluation of causal effects and local structure learning of causal networks",Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, Vol 6
  • Qiang Chen; Meidi Hu; Xiaojun Song, "A nonparametric specification test for the volatility functions of diffusion processes",Econometric Reviews
  • Sant'Anna Pedro H. C.; Xiaojun Song, "Specification tests for the propensity score",Journal of Econometrics
  • Xiaojun Song; Taamouti Abderrahim, "A better understanding of granger causality analysis: a big data environment",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Shuo Li; Yundong Tu, "A joint test for parametric specification and independence in nonlinear regression models",Econometric Reviews
  • Shuo Li; Yundong Tu, "A simple joint test for parametric specification and independence in nonlinear regression models",Econometric Reviews
  • Yundong Tu; Ying Wang, "Adaptive estimation of heteroskedastic functional-coefficient regressions with an application to fiscal policy evaluation on asset markets",Econometric Reviews
  • Yu Ren; Yundong Tu; Yanping Yi, "Balanced predictive regressions",Journal of Empirical Finance
  • Yundong Tu; Tae-Hwy Lee, "Forecasting using supervised factor models",Journal of Management Science and Engineering
  • Yundong Tu; Wang Ying, "Functional coefficient cointegration models subject to time-varying volatility with an application to the purchasing power parity",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Chen Ye; Yundong Tu, "Is stock price correlated with oil price? spurious regressions with moderately explosive processes",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Li Shuo; Guo Bin; Yundong Tu, "Simultaneous diagnostic testing for nonlinear time series models with an application to the us federal fund rate",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Zhou Jilei; Zhou Jing; Ding Ying; Hansheng Wang, "The magic of danmaku: a social interaction perspective of gift sending on live streaming platforms",Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
  • Wang Feifei; Liu Jingyuan; Hansheng Wang, "Sequential text-term selection in vector space models",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
  • Zhu Xuening; Wang Weining; Hansheng Wang; Haerdle Wolfgang Karl, "Network quantile autoregression",Journal of Econometrics
  • Zhu Xuening; Chang Xiangyu; Li Runze; Hansheng Wang, "Portal nodes screening for large scale social networks",Journal of Econometrics
  • Xiangyu Chang; Danyang Huang; Hansheng Wang, "A popularity-scaled latent space model for large-scale directed social network",Statistica Sinica
  • Yu Chen; Rui Pan; Rong Guan; Hansheng Wang, "A case study for beijing point of interest data using group linked cox process",Statistics and Its Interface
  • Xu Ke; Wang Jianqiao; Pan Rui; Hansheng Wang, "Photographic diary: a new estimation approach to pm2.5 monitoring",Statistics and Its Interface
  • Wang G.;Liang B.;Wang H.;Zhang B.;Xie B., "Dimension reduction for functional regression with a binary response",
  • Zhaoxing Gao; Yingying Ma; Hansheng Wang; Qiwei Yao, "Banded spatio-temporal autoregressions",Journal of Econometrics
  • Gao Yang; Mingjin Wang; Wang Yaojun, "New moment estimators of the effective spread based on daily high and low prices",Journal of Systems Science & Complexity
  • Liu Weiyi; Mingjin Wang, "Volatility estimation and jump testing via realized information variation",Journal of Time Series Analysis
  • Qin Xin; Hom Peter W.; Minya Xu, "Am i a peasant or a worker? an identity strain perspective on turnover among developing-world migrants",Human Relations
  • Dong Ju; Minya Xu; Xin Qin; Spector Paul, "A multilevel study of abusive supervision, norms, and personal control on counterproductive work behavior: a theory of planned behavior approach",Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
  • Minya Xu; Qin Xin; Dust Scott B.; DiRenzo Marco S., "Supervisor-subordinate proactive personality congruence and psychological safety: a signaling theory approach to employee voice behavior",Leadership Quarterly
  • Zhang Rongmao; Robinson Peter; Qiwei Yao, "Identifying cointegration by eigenanalysis",Journal of The American Statistical Association
  • Junni Zhang ; Bryant John; Nissen Kirsten, "Bayesian small area demography",Survey Methodology
  • Tse-Chun Lin; Qi Liu; Sun Bo, "Contractual managerial incentives with stock price feedback",American Economic Review
  • Qi Liu; Sun Xian; Wu Hong, "Premier advisory services for vip acquirers",Journal of Corporate Finance
  • Conghui Hu; Yu-Jane Liu; Ning Zhu, "De-leverage and illiquidity contagion",Journal of Banking & Finance
  • Jin Miao; Yu-Jane Liu; Juanjuan Meng, "Fat-finger event and risk-taking behavior",Journal of Empirical Finance
  • Gao Shenghao; Ruichang Lu; Ni Chenkai, "Institutional investors' cognitive constraints during initial public offerings",Journal of Banking & Finance
  • Li Yan; Ruichang Lu; Srinivasan Anand, "Relationship bank behavior during borrower distress",Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
  • Chen Yu; Zhicheng Wang; Zheng Zhangjun, "Mark to market value at risk",Journal of Econometrics
  • Hong Harrison; Li Frank Weikai; Jiangmin Xu, "Climate risks and market efficiency",Journal of Econometrics
  • Hong Harrison; Jiangmin Xu, "Inferring latent social networks from stock holdings",Journal of Financial Economics
  • Goldstein Ray; Liyan Yang, "Good disclosure, bad disclosure",Journal of Financial Economics
  • Zheng Zhang; Lu Ying; Tian Lu, "On feature ensemble optimizing the sensitivity and partial roc curve",Statistica Sinica
  • Ransbotham Sam; Lurie Nicholas H.; Hongju Liu, "Creation and consumption of mobile word of mouth: how are mobile reviews different?",Marketing Science
  • Li Chenchen; Li Dongmei; Chiu Chi-Yue; Siqing Peng, "Strong brand from consumers' perspective: a cross-cultural study",Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • Li Dongmei; Li Chenchen; Chiu Chi-yue; Siqing Peng, "Does being socially responsible buffer reputation loss in a product crisis? the moderating role of lay theory of corporate social responsibility",Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
  • Liu Alfred Zhu; Liu Angela Xia; Rui Wang; Xu Sean Xin, "Too much of a good thing? the boomerang effect of firms' investments on corporate social responsibility during product recalls",Journal of Management Studies
  • Xu Qian; Jin Liyin; Ying Zhang, "The shifting preference for contingent rewards in goal pursuit",Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Huang Szu-chi; Lin Stephanie C.; Ying Zhang, "When individual goal pursuit turns competitive: how we sabotage and coast",Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Lyu Gaoyan; Lihua Chen; Huo Baofeng, "Logistics resources, capabilities and operational performance a contingency and configuration approach",Industrial Management & Data Systems
  • Lyu Gaoyan; Lihua Chen; Huo Baofeng, "The impact of logistics platforms and location on logistics resource integration and operational performance",International Journal of Logistics Management
  • Hao Zhaowei; Qi Wei; Gong Tianxiao; Lihua Chen; Shen Zuo-Jun Max, "Innovation uncertainty, new product press timing and strategic consumers",Omega-International Journal of Management Science
  • Ming Lei; Li Shalang; Shasha Yu, "Demand forecasting approaches based on associated relationships for multiple products",Entropy
  • Xi Liang; Qianguo Lin; Muslemani Hasan; Ming Lei; Qiang Liu; Jia Li; Wu Alisa; Liu Muxin; Ascui Francisco, "Assessing the economics of co2 capture in china's iron/steel sector: a case study",Innovative Solutions For Energy Transitions
  • Liu Lin; Paudel Krishna P.; Li Guanghao; Ming Lei, "Income inequality among minority farmers in china: does social capital have a role?",Review of Development Economics
  • Liu Zhongyi; Liu Jingchen; Xin Zhai; Wang Guanying, "Police staffing and workload assignment in law enforcement using multi-server queueing models",European Journal of Operational Research
  • Hua Shengya; Liu Jingchen; Cheng T. C. E.; Xin Zhai, "Financing and ordering strategies for a supply chain under the option contract",International Journal of Production Economics
  • Liu Z.;Hua S.;Xin Zhai, "Supply chain coordination with risk-averse retailer and option contract: supplier-led vs. retailer-led",International Journal of Production Economics
  • Liu Jingchen; Xin Zhai; Lihua Chen, "Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumers",Omega-International Journal of Management Science
  • Sun Luping; Xiaona Zheng; Jin Ying; Minghua Jiang; Hansheng Wang, "Estimating promotion effects using big data: a partially profiled lasso model with endogeneity correction*",Decision Sciences
  • Liu Xiaohui; Xia Tianjiao; Jiangyong Lu; Lin Daomi, "Under what institutional conditions does overseas business knowledge contribute to firm performance?",International Business Review
  • Yan Zebin; Jiangyong Lu, "How do a buyer's political ties affect the market-based selection of suppliers?",Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
  • Lin Daomi; Zheng Wei; Jiangyong Lu; Liu Xiaohui; Wright Mike, "Forgotten or not? home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship",Journal of World Business
  • He Canfei; Jiangyong Lu; Qian Haifeng, "Entrepreneurship in china",Small Business Economics
  • Ko Young Jin; Li Ma, "Forming a firm innovation strategy through commitment-based human resource management",International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Ju Dong; Li Ma; Run Ren; Yichi Zhang, "Empowered to break the silence: applying self-determination theory to employee silence",Frontiers In Psychology
  • Li Ma; Xin Zhai; Weiguo Zhong; Zhang Zhixue, "Deploying human capital for innovation: a study of multi-country manufacturing firms",International Journal of Production Economics
  • Hoskisson Robert E.; Shi Wei; Xiwei Yi; Jin Jing, "The evolution and strategic positioning of private equity firms",Routledge Companion To Management Buyouts
  • Zhang Hongyu; Li Xiaobei; Frenkel Stephen J.; Jianjun Zhang, "Human resource practices and migrant workers' turnover intentions: the roles of post-migration place identity and justice perceptions",Human Resource Management Journal
  • Lee L.S.;Lee L.S.;Weiguo Zhong, "Responses to alliance partners' misbehavior and firm performance in china: the moderating roles of guanxi orientation",Asian Business & Management
  • Weiguo Zhong; Lin Ya; Gao Danxue; Yang Haibin, "Does politician turnover affect foreign subsidiary performance? evidence in china",Journal of International Business Studies
  • Gu Yuandong; Zhang Hong; Zhou Wenli; Weiguo Zhong, "Regional culture, top executive values, and corporate donation behaviors",Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Lihua Chen Yi Lu ; Rui Zhao, "Ceo values, firm long-term orientation and firm innovation: evidence from chinese manufacturing firms",Management and Organization Review
  • Airan Liu, "Can non-cognitive skills compensate for background disadvantage? - the moderation of non-cognitive skills on family socioeconomic status and achievement during early childhood and early adolescence",Social Science Research
  • Xu Yan; Qiang Ren, "Selective neglect: gender disparities in children’s health care utilization in rural china",Chinese Journal of Sociology
  • Fulda Barbara E. Bernhard Nauck ; Qiang Ren, "The transition to adulthood in china, germany and the us: prevalence and timing in private and professional life",Chinese Journal of Sociology
  • Wen Ming;Qiang Ren;Korinek Kim;Trinh Ha N. , "Living in skipped generation household and happiness among middle-aged and older grandparents in china",Social Science Research

*This above represents a selection of academic research articles published in English-language journals. For a list including Chinese articles, please see the list on the Chinese website.