Past Events
  • Virtual Global MBA Program Insider on December 10, 2021

    Enhance your understanding of Guanghua MBA program at our live webinar and ask current students why the program is their first and best choice for MBA study.Register Now!> Webinar DetailsDate:Friday, March 19, 2021Time:20:30-21:30 Beijing TimeDuration:1 hour (including 20-minute Q&A)Venue: ZOOM> What Will You Get from the Webinar?Introduction of the full-time MBA program and our competitive ...

    February 1, 2021

  • Interactive Webinar on October 23, 2020

    Enhance your understanding of what MBA life can be in Guanghua at our October 23rd live webinarand ask Guanghua Student why Guanghua is their first and best choice for MBA study.Register Now!> Webinar Details Date:Friday, October 23, 2020Time:20:00-21:00 Beijing TimeDuration:1 hour (including 15-minute Q&A)> Student Speaker2019MBA Student: Shelly Tsai,CPA(Pre)education: University of Texas a...

    September 24, 2020

  • Connect MBA Virtual Event: Vancouver 15 September,2020

      Connect MBA Virtual Event on 15 September 2020Base: Vancouver, Canada> Event Details Date:Wednesday, September 15, 2020Time:18:30-21:00 (Vancouver Time) Zoom Chat Register Now!  More about the event: you have any questions, please email

    August 19, 2020

  • Connect MBA Virtual Event: San Francisco Sat 12 September,2020

    Connect MBA Virtual Event on 12 September 2020Base: San Francisco, US> Event Details Date:Saturday, September 12, 2020Time:14:00-16:30 (San Francisco Time) Zoom Chat Register Now!  More about the event: you have any questions, please email

    August 19, 2020

  • Interactive Webinar on August 30, 2020

    Enhance your understanding of what MBA life can be in Guanghua at our August 30th live webinarand ask Guanghua Student why Guanghua is their first and best choice for MBA study.Register Now!> Webinar Details Date:Sunday, August 30, 2020Time:14:00 - 15:00, Beijing TimeDuration:1 hour (including 15-minute Q&A)> What Will You Get from the Webinar?1. Introduction of full-time MBA program and our...

    August 11, 2020

  • Interactive Webinar on March 15, 2020

    Enhance your understanding of what MBA life can be in Guanghua at our March 15th live webinarand ask Student Ambassadors why Guanghua is their first and best choice for MBA study.Register Now!> Webinar Details Date:Sunday, March 15, 2020Time:14:00 - 15:00, Beijing TimeDuration:1 hour (including 15-minute Q&A)​> What Will You Get from the Webinar?1. Introduction of full-time MBA program and ...

    March 6, 2020

  • Book One-on-One WeChat Talk with Admission Officers

    The 2020 fall intake MBA international application portal is still open!Next deadline for Round 5 application is Apr. 30, 2020.To answer all the queries you might have towards the programWe’re now offering limited opportunities to book 1v1 Online WeChat Talk with our Admission Officers.If you would like to book a seat, please send your CV to in the following subject:Book...

    February 18, 2020

  • Online Coffee Chat - Connect with Guanghua MBA Students Online

    ​Choosing where to undertake your MBA is a big decision, that’s why we are offering opportunities to have a 1v1 Online Coffee Chat with our Student Ambassadors -- a group of current Guanghua MBA students who are happy to share with you a real Guanghua experience better than any website or MBA brochure can.With 17 people from different parts of the world and diverse industries, you may want to...

    February 11, 2020

  • Admission Events| Meet Us in Tokyo!

    Great News:Professor Chiang is going to visit Hitotsubashi University on October 25th,2019, giving an information session about our Guanghua MBA Program.On October 26th,2019, We will participant in the QS World MBA Tour in Tokyo, candidates are welcomed to book a seat from QS ( or book a coffee chat via emailing to you ar...

    October 14, 2019

  • Integrated Practicum Project @iFLYTEK丨IPP journey with iFLYTEK

    “The world’s 6th smartest company; following right behind Google,And the 1st among Chinese companies”(2017 MIT technology review)“The Winner of Blizzard challenge for 12 years in a row”(Blizzard challenge: the biggest AI technology competition in the world)“Crowned China’s no.1 national AI platform for voice recognition”You might think of big names such as Tencent or Alibaba when you he...

    June 17, 2019

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