

Elias Johansson


Stockholm, Sweden

Previous School and Major:

Lund University School of Economics and Management, Economics major

Most Recent Employer and Job Title:

Financial Advisor at Handelsbanken, International Trade Scholar at Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong


1. Can you give us a brief introduction to your experience?

Starting from the very beginning, after highschool I worked in retail doing B2C sales in a range of different settings. I worked for small boutique businesses, as well as for major telecom companies, both being fun and challenging in their own ways, but it was nothing I felt that I could do “for the rest of my life”. Hence, I decided to study academically, and I enrolled as a Business Management & Economics student at Lund University in Sweden. After graduating with a B.Sc. in Economics, I joined one of the major banks serving as a Financial Advisor to both private and corporate clients. Once again, I didn’t feel that it was something that I could do in the long run, so I decided to apply for an MBA program - and here we are!

2. Why did you pursue an MBA degree at this point in your career?

There are two major reasons. First, at the time of my application, I was working as a financial advisor within retail banking, and much of the work was automated. After having learned how to perform in that environment, I realized that I wanted to develop myself and that it would be an advantage to combine my hands-on experience with my academic studies. Second, I was eager to reach a higher career level and a senior degree is likely to be of help with that. That’s also why a master’s degree has been part of my long-term plan ever since I started studying.

Knowing that I wanted to study abroad, and since I’m still young and flexible in terms of relocation, the timing felt right to apply at that time. Furthermore, an MBA specifically gives you solid leadership training, at the same time as you are deep diving in subjects that was barely scratched on the surface during your bachelor’s studies, in short; a very rewarding combination and precisely what you need to advance in your career. Or at least it was what I needed.

3. What was the key factor(s) that led you to determine on Guanghua MBA, and why was it so important to you?

Being part of the 12th highest ranked university in the world, Peking University, the Guanghua School of Management is a great place to meet with likeminded individuals who want to develop in the same areas as yourself. What makes the MBA program unique is that it combines leadership development at a top-class academic institution with insights into the Chinese and Asian market. Additionally, since I spent an exchange semester at Peking University in 2018, I knew exactly what to expect and I knew that the teachers as well as the university facilities are indeed excellent.

4. What do you enjoy most about the program?

I would say the diversity of the class in terms of a wide range of academic backgrounds. We have both lawyers and doctors mixed with business and philosophical majors, which in turn contributes to a broad set of perspectives on cases and tasks in the classes. Furthermore, I like that many of the professors are skilled in giving solid examples from “the real world”, making classes practical and not only theoretical.

5. What specific skills do you develop through this program?

With the courses of the program being focused on cases and team exercises, I would say that your ability to work together as a team is strengthened at the same time as you’re learning how to apply theoretical knowledge on practical situations.

6. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Since I am from the Northern Europe, I’m used to snow and a big fan of winter activities. I enjoy downhill skiing and snowboarding, as well as Nordic skiing, and spend at least two weeks every winter going to either the alps or to the northern part of Sweden to go skiing. Apart from that I’ve recently developed a big interest for running. During my internship in Hong Kong, where I currently am, we recently organized a virtual charity run “RaceToRaise” to benefit domestic helpers in Hong Kong which was a huge success. Moreover, I also just completed my personal goal of running a half-marathon. My new goal is to run the full marathon next fall in New York City…. so stay tuned about that!

7. What quality best describes your MBA classmates and why?

If I need to pick just one quality, I will say ambitious. Might be self-explanatory, but everyone is aiming very high and wants to excel in their careers and personal development, which benefits the program since it pushes everyone to be at their best all the time.

8. What advice would you give to someone considering studying this program at Guanghua?

Join the pre-sessions where you get the opportunity to meet some of my fellow student ambassadors. It’s a great way to get an introduction to the structure of the program, to meet current students, and to get the opportunity to ask questions about the program. Also, start early with the application process. It’s a lot of information to compile, and you need some time to submit a thorough application that reflects yourself and highlights what you can bring to the program.

9. Do you think Guanghua will help with your career? If so, in what way do you think the degree has contributed to your career?

Definitely! With its great reputation and impressive global ranking as the 12th best university globally, the name Peking University in itself is helpful to have on my resumé. Also, the extensive alumni network of the MBA program, with previous students having been hired by top firms within all sectors, will help me get in contact with interesting employers. Furthermore, I also think that the way that the classes are including many cases, and tasks to solve in groups, I think the program helps to hone your ability to work in teams. With the cases and tasks being focused on managerial thinking, it also prepares you to take up a role as a manager, which fits my career plan forward.

10. How did your experience at Guanghua help you get where you are today?

After doing one semester of online studies, I decided to defer my degree and instead pursue a yearlong internship at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, with the goal of getting familiar with the Hong Kong business landscape and to create connections for the future. Throughout this year in Hong Kong, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with the Consul-General of Sweden to Hong Kong as well as to meet business leaders of Swedish companies operating in Asia, one example being when we organized a Swedish Pavilion at Hong Kong’s most ambitious sustainability event “ReThink” (pictured below).



Even though it was not what I learnt during the first semester of my MBA studies that brought me here, it was surely the degree and angle of my master studies that helped me get the position. I have a firm belief that these connections and experiences will help my future career in a positive way, and that the MBA program helped me to get where I am today.

11. What’s the plan after graduation / where do you see yourself in five years?

Looking ahead, I’m going to pivot my career into investment banking. After a year in Hong Kong, I’ve gotten quite fond of the city and there are unlimited opportunities within banking here. If everything goes according to my plans, in five years I’ll be between an associate and a junior manager role within investment banking.

12. Would you recommend the program to others and why?

Absolutely. I am still firmly believing that cooperation between businesses in Asia and businesses in the Western part of the world is key for creating the global business climate that we need to work together and collaborate towards a better future. More specifically, the Global MBA program at Peking University - Guanghua School of Management, offers an excellent opportunity to get immersed into the Asian business climate and a setting where you will learn how to collaborate globally.


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